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Gundog Working Test

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Anchor 1

Held at Field Barn Farm in Garford, Oxfordshire and kindly sponsored by Sporting Saint, Sunday 27th June 2021 saw 30 competitors take to the fields to compete in the Spanish Water Dog Club's 'Gundog Working Test with Water for Any Variety Spaniels' 

Classes were split into the following three categories:

  • Puppy, for dogs under 18 months on the day of the test;

  • Novice, for those dogs that hadn’t been placed 1st in a Novice Test or 1st,2nd or 3rd in an Open Test or have been given any Field Trial Award including a Certificate of Merit; and

  • Open, which is open to any Dog or Bitch.

Judges on the day were Kevin Barraclough [3278] and Judy Hempstead [non-panel], with competitors working in pairs to complete the test.  The test was open to any variety spaniels and so, along with Spanish Water Dogs entries were also made up of Clumber Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, a Sussex Spaniel and a Lagotto Romagnolo.


Best in Test was won by Parkforth Woodland Warrior, a Clumber Spaniel handler by Andrew Parker

Most Promising Handler went to Linda Meakin who was working her Spanish Water Dog, Valentisimo's Wise Owl

Best Hunter again went to Andrew Parker and his Clumber Spaniel, Parkforth Woodland Warrior


Scroll down for the SWD Club Gundog Co-ordinators report, details of the results from all the classes and the working test photo gallery.


Our generous sponsors, Sporting Saint, donated a goody bag for every competitor to take home, inside each was a lanyard and a lovely slip lead.  Many thanks to them!

After the Health and Safety briefing,  the Puppy Class was called  by our steward, Jenny, and the 4 competitors walked across the large flat field to meet up with our two Minority Breed 

A Spanish Water Dog completes a retrieve in the clubs Gundog Working Test


SWD Club Gundog Co-ordinators Report

After all the planning and hoping against hope that the Covid restrictions would still allow us go ahead, our Spanish Water Dog Club Gundog Test was able to take place on 27th June 2021.  Even the weather was working with us to give a perfect cool, cloudy day, and the excitement was mounting.  Our grateful thanks go to the landowners of the super venue in Oxfordshire which we were allowed to use for the day.

Our very kind and helpful steward on the ground, John Bint, was on site very early to place the direction signs out for everyone. The SWD Club committee came to set up the wonderful trophy table for our attractive awards shining brightly against the black cloth, with the magnificent red and yellow rosettes waiting to be won. We were delighted to welcome so many competitors who had worked so hard to achieve the required standards with their minority breed spaniels.

Anchor 2

specialist judges, Kevin Barraclough (3278) and Judy Hempstead.  They were put through each of the exercises and the judges noted their marks for each one.  In first place was Andy Parker with Clumber Spaniel Parkforth Rock n Roll,  also second with his Clumber Spaniel, Parkforth Woodland Warrior.  Third was Dr Kate Hodgkinson-Rutherford with her Spanish Water Dog, Zorrazo Hey there Yogi Bear and fourth Tim Poole with his Clumber Spaniel, Madadhbhan Montrachet.

The lovely big Novice Class was next, being called up to go through their paces in two parts to make it easier for us all to stay 2 meters apart.  The hunting-up stage was quite testing, as the long vegetation was very thick at the base with quite a few healthy thistles, but happily not too much for our stalwart curly coated dogs.  Then there came the seen retrieve and the blind, and finally the water.  Lee, our Club photographer was on hand to capture those precious moments for us, and we look forward to seeing the photos on the Club web page.  The water exercise was from 

Spanish Water Dog Club Gundog Working Test 2021 - A clumber spaniel competes in the hunt section

the river bank and into reeds, where the canvas dummy was thrown and lay floating for the dogs to be sent out to it and bring back to the handler, who remained on the bank.  This proved quite tricky for some dogs, who may not have had a chance to practise this exact type of retrieve at home.  There was plenty of water in the river due to the recent rain, but it was easy and safe to access as the vegetation to the edge had been thoughtfully tidied.  Results

for the Novice stake:  first, Andy Parker with Parkforth Woodland Warrior, second, David Chilvers with Clumber Spaniel, Parkforth Greenlands Ice, third Janet Morton with Clumber Spaniel , Jackpotstud Kiss Me Quick and fourth was Sharon Stone with her Clumber Spaniel, Sedgehurst Flint.  Linda Meakin with her Spanish Water Dog  Valentisimo’s Wise Owl made a beautiful job of the hunt-up, showing us all in this breed that it can be done!

After a short refreshment break the judges were ready to have the Open class called and the weather still held, despite reports of a thunderstorm only just down the road.  There was just one Spanish Water Dog entered in the Open Stake, against six Clumber Spaniels and one Welsh Springer Spaniel on the day.  It was game on.  The competitors were set a challenging hunt-up , a marked retrieve and then the blind retrieve out of the long grass and thistle which certainly put them through their paces, where the dogs could not see the handlers directing them from within the high, thick cover.  At the water, the retrieve was a few feet across the river, out to the opposite bank and back through the water to the handler.  All the dogs came away wet, looking good!

A Spanish Water Dog completing a retreive in the SWD Club 2021 Gundog Working Test

The judges completed their deliberations and everyone re-convened in the spacious parking area for the presentations.  Our congratulations go to David Chilvers with Parkforth Greenlands Ice, the Clumber Spaniel, achieving first place in the Open stake and Best in Test.  Our Spanish Water Dog handler, Ash Green, was awarded a very creditable second place in Open with Josalyn Nana Natallia, third place Open was awarded to Gary Barstow with Clumber Spaniel Madadhbhan Clements at Seolfre, and fourth was Nigel Stock with Parkforth Sky Rocket.  The marks were very close and there were some very creditable scores in this stake so well done to all.

The prestigious award of Most Promising Handler was won by Linda Meakin with her Spanish Water Dog, Valentisimo’s Wise Owl.  Best Hunter went  to Andy Parker with Parkforth Woodland Warrior, his Clumber Spaniel, who were also awarded Best in Test.

Congratulations to all our winners and our grateful thanks to all who attended for complying with the Covid constraints and remaining good-humoured throughout a most enjoyable day.

The committee’s thanks must go to all our willing volunteers during the day, especially Jenny and Kate who had Stewarding roles thrust upon them on the day.  It has been a valuable learning experience for our team.  Looking forward to the next time…

Jane Appleton, Gundog Working Secretary

Spanish Water Dog Club Gundog Working Test 2021

Classes and Winners

Best In Test & Best Hunter
Parkforth Woodland Warrior
handled by Andrew Parker

Parkforth Woodland Warrior - Best In Test & Best Hunter SWD Club Gundog Working Test 2021
Andrew Parker with Parkforth Woodland Warrior - Best in Test & Best Hunter
Andrew Parker with Parkforth Woodland Warrior - Best in Test & Best Hunter

Click Photo To Enlarge

Most Promising Handler
Linda Meakin
handling Valentisimo's Wise Owl

Linda Meakin - Most promising gundog handler SWD Club Working Test

Click Photo To Enlarge

Valentisimo's Wise Owl Spanish Water Dog Gundog Retrieve for Working Test

Class Results



  • 1st   - Parkforth Rock n' Roll (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Andrew Parker

  • 2nd - Parkforth Woodland Warrior (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Andrew Parker

  • 3rd  - Zorrazo Hey There Yogi Bear (Spanish Water Dog) handled by Dr. Kate                   Hodgkinson-Rutherford

  • 4th  - Madadhbhan Montrachet (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Tim Poole



  • 1st   - Parkforth Woodland Warrior (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Andrew Parker

  • 2nd - Parkforth Greenlands Ice (Clumber Spaniel) handled by D Chivers

  • 3rd  - Jackpotstud Kiss Me Quick (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Janet Morton

  • 4th  - Sedgehurst Flint (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Sharon Stone



  • 1st   - Parkforth Greenlands Ice (Clumber Spaniel) handled by D Chivers

  • 2nd - Josalyn Nana Natallia (Spanish Water Dog) handled by Ash Green

  • 3rd  - Madadhbhan Clements at Seolfre (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Gary                     Barstow

  • 4th  - Parkforth Sky Rocket (Clumber Spaniel) handled by Mr N R Stock

Anchor 3
Spanish Water Dog Club Gundog Working Test Trophies
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Anchor 4

Photo Gallery

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The Spanish Water Dog Club is proud to be  recognised as the only official Kennel Club Breed Club for the Spanish Water Dog in the UK.

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© 2025 The Spanish Water Dog Club

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