Held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, The Spanish Water Dog Club Open Show took place on Sunday 1st September 2019. Sponsored by Royal Canin, a total of 45 dogs made up the 50 entries within the main show. Additional classes were also held for Junior Handling, whereby the entrants were judged not on the dog, but on the capabilites of the handler in presenting the dog in the ring.
The open show also incorporated three extra Special Award Classes. These classes are specifically put on by the club, with the permission of the Kennel Club, in an endeavour to assist prospective judges to progress up the Judges List. It allows judges, newly qualified or seeking additional experience, the opportunity to examine and judge the Spanish Water Dog breed by gaining a captive audience of owners of the breed who are present at the show.
Best in Show was won by the Best Bitch and winner of the Post Graduate Bitch class, Sierrasalva's Regalo
Reserve Best in Show and best dog was won by Sh Ch Casper De Agua Salada
Best Puppy in show was taken by the Puppy Bitch winner Oh You Are Magic vom Hause Kristo of Goldfly (Imp)
Best Vetran in Show was awarded to Valentismo's Olli Dante from the Vetran Dog Class
Scroll down for details of the results from all the classes and the show photo gallery.

Held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, The Spanish Water Dog Club Open Show took place on Sunday 1st September 2019. Sponsored by Royal Canin, a total of 45 dogs made up the 50 entries within the main show. Additional classes were also held for Junior Handling, whereby the entrants were judged not on the dog, but on the capabilites of the handler in presenting the dog in the ring.
The open show also incorporated three extra Special Award Classes. These classes are specifically put on by the club, with the permission of the Kennel Club, in an endeavour to assist prospective judges to progress up the Judges List. It allows judges, newly qualified or seeking additional experience, the opportunity to examine and judge the Spanish Water Dog breed by gaining a captive audience of owners of the breed who are present at the show.
Best in Show was won by the Best Bitch and winner of the Post Graduate Bitch class, Sierrasalva's Regalo
Reserve Best in Show and best dog was won by Sh Ch Casper De Agua Salada
Best Puppy in show was taken by the Puppy Bitch winner Oh You Are Magic vom Hause Kristo of Goldfly (Imp)
Best Vetran in Show was awarded to Valentismo's Olli Dante from the Vetran Dog Class
Scroll down for details of the results from all the classes and the show photo gallery.


Photo by Noriko Brewster
The Spanish Water Dog Club are very excited to be able to bring the most comprehensive genealogy of the breed since it first arrived in the UK.
We are extremely grateful to Wanda Sooby, co-author of The Spanish Water Dog Book, for kindly providing the information. In support of the document she has supplied the following statement:
"The information presented in this spreadsheet has been gathered from The Kennel Club's Breed Records Supplements for gundogs since 1992, when the breed was first accepted on the Imported Breeds Register. Since that time I have transferred the information issued by The Kennel Club every quarter, which was relatively simple when I started but, as numbers of dogs registered have increased at a great rate it is a time consuming task but I see it as 'a labour of love' and I will continue as long as I am able.
The majority of this information is available in the public domain for all to see if anyone wishes to research it, but a small percentage is what has been forwarded to me by breeders and owners and has been added with their permission.
I would like to add that because of the human element, namely myself, now and aged pensioner, it is possible for the odd error to creep in, so if anyone spots a mistake I would very much like to be informed so that I can correct it. I can be contacted through the Club.
Happy reading
Wanda Sooby"
Please note that from 2021 Wanda has requested that the SWDC update the list. This is now being maintained with the kind assistance of Outi Seppa.
If you do notice any errors please email web.swdc@gmail.com
Updated November 2024
Includes Breed Records up to and included in Supplement BB3/2 (Q3/Summer 2024)