Summary of SWDC 18th AGM held 27 March 2021, conducted by Postal Vote
There were eleven items that members were asked to consider for the SWDC Postal AGM this year and from the 137 eligible membership, 48 returned their votes, representing a 35% return.
The proposals, which were previously visible to Members only, are now available on the website. These results are detailed below:
1. Approval of signed off and audited accounts - 43 yes, 1 no and 4 abstain
2. Appointment of Chartered Accountant for 2021 - 46 yes, 1 no and 1 abstain
3. Code of Ethics i correct typos – 47 yes, 0 no and 1 abstain
4. Code of Ethics ii update PLA – 46 yes, 0 no and 2 abstain
5. Code of Ethics iii update PRA – 46 yes, 0 no and 2 abstain
6. Code of Ethics iv correct placement of PRA – 46 yes, 0 no and 2 abstain
7. Code of Ethics v correct typos – 47 yes, 0 no and 1 abstain
8. Code of Ethics vi to update COI – 46 yes, 0 no and 2 abstain
9. Code of Ethics vii to update Bobtail breeding – 47 yes, 0 no and 1 abstain
10. Rule 11 para 1 – 43 yes, 3 no and 2 abstain
11. Rule 11 para 2 – 44 yes, 1 no and 3 abstain
All proposals were a majority of ‘yes’ responses and therefore all proposals were carried. As always, all Rules and Regulation changes are subject to Kennel Club approval.
The result of the vote enables us to complete the 2020 returns for submission to the Kennel Club on behalf of the SWDC.
Election of Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Committee Members
Officers : to confirm the following appointments, no other nominations having been received:
3 Year Term - Chair – Adrian Dornford-Smith
2 Year Term - Honorary Secretary – Jenny Abrahams
1 Year Term - Honorary Treasurer – Jeremy Bloom
Committee Members:
1 year term - Rachel Leighton-Jones
3 year term – Frank Gilroy
3 year term – Kate Wilden
We want to thank Pat Booth for her staunch support of the Club and service to the Committee for over 14 years and we arranged a small presentation to commemorate this.
We also wish to thank Ainsley Procter, Nigel Walker, Kate Hodkinson-Rutherford and Fiona Donaldson for their service on Committee.
Rachel Cooper has stepped down from Committee but continues to serve as our Breed Health Coordinator.
As always, please get in touch with us if you have any questions or suggestions, or if you wish to volunteer to co-opt onto Committee - many hands make light work.
Your new Committee thank you for your continued support to enable the Club to continue to promote and protect our Breed. You'll be hearing more from us very soon !
Jenny Abrahams, Honorary Secretary, SWDC
10 April 2021