We are currently compiling and editing the Spanish Water Dog Club's Yearbook, celebrating 30 years in the UK.
New submissions, not already booked with the editors, are now closed and cannot be accepted.
Now comes the cover photo !
We welcome your submissions for the *COVER STAR* of this celebration issue of the Yearbook, with the following stipulations:
must be free from copyright
must be portrait orientation
must be of dog/dogs with no human element
must be high resolution image
The winner will be picked by our Chair, Adrian Dornford-Smith, from the images submitted to the Hon Sec, to allow for him to make an unbiased decision.
All other images submitted will be created into a collage for the back cover, so everyone will be included.
Please contact the Hon Sec, Jenny Abrahams, with your submissions, giving the name of the dog/dogs and the copyright/owner of the image, on:
We cannot wait to see your cover stars ! Submissions should to be with the Hon Sec by Saturday 21st January 2023 for consideration.
