Following on from the success of the Working Test training day, The Spanish Water Dog Club are pleased to announce that entries to its Gundog Working Test for Minority Spaniels are now open.
Sponsored by CSJ and Sporting Saint, the test will take place on the Sunday 27th June 2021 at Field Barn Farm in Garford, Oxfordshire, under Judges Kevin Barraclough [3278] and Judy Hempstead (non-panel).
Stakes will be limited to a maximum number of entries on the day of 30 dogs. Entry is by way of postal submission only, with entry forms being accessed by downloading the schedule below and completing the accompanying form. All completed forms must be received by Jane Appleton, the Working Test Secretary, by no later than the 16th June 2021. The draw will then be completed on the 17th June. Entry is priced at £20 for members of the Spanish Water Dog Club and £25 for non-members.
For further information please refer to the Events Page on the Spanish Water Dog Club website, which can be accessed here.
For any queries please contact either The Working Test Secretary, Jane Appleton via email at gundog.swdc@gmail.com or the Honorary Secretary, Jenny Abrahams via email at sec.swdc@gmail.com.
On behalf of the club, the committee would like to wish all competitors the best of luck on the day.