Welcome to the very first part-virtual Spanish Water Dog Club AGM! If you are a paid-up eligible member, you should have now received your calling notice for the 2021 SWDC postal AGM from the Honorary Secretary.
If you haven’t received an email or letter notifying you of this, please check your junk or spam inbox. If you still do not have sight of the calling notice please contact the Honorary Secretary asap at sec.swdc@gmail.com
We have uploaded the relevant documentation into a secure area on the Club website which can be accessed here:
The password for accessing these will be sent to members an email, however, your voting slips will be posted directly, so that you can complete them, and return.
In conjunction with the AGM, our Acting Breed Health Co-ordinator, Rachel Cooper will be presenting the findings from our 2020 Health Survey. The presentation will be around 30 mins, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions afterwards.

Everyone interested in the Breed is welcome to the Health Presentation which will start at 11.30hrs on Saturday 27 March 2021. The meeting will be opened 15 minutes prior to the start of the presentation. Dial in details will be circulated to all members via email a week prior. The presentation will also be uploaded to the Club website for your perusal later that day.
If you would like the details of the Zoom meeting to watch the Health Presentation, please again contact Jenny Abrahams, the Hon Sec at sec.swdc@gmail.com
2021 AGM Agenda