The Spanish Water Dog Club are pleased to announce that Kate Wilden and her fabulous team of water trainers are back to offer more training events across the UK throughout 2024.

Following on from last year's success, which saw an amazing twenty-four Level 1 awards, eighteen Level 2 awards, four Level 3 awards and three Level 4 awards being attained, the team has been hard at work arranging new events for this coming year.
In addition to returning to coastal areas around the UK, a specific date has also been arranged at the UK's largest dedicated canine swimming pool, Swim 4 Paws. This fabulous facility offers a 20 meter long pool under non-tidal conditions, with a graduated entry from 45cm to 1.8 meters to help even the least confident of dogs ease their way into the water. Not only that, dogs and their owners will be able to benefit from personal one-to-one sessions with Kate, who can undertake assessments from levels one through to five, depending on the ability of the dog.

Currently, there are 7 dates arranged for 2024, covering different areas of Scotland, East Anglia, Sheffield and Northern Ireland, but with a hope to add more to these throughout the year.
Full details of the dates, locations and levels on offer can be found by checking out the events page of the club website by clicking here. You will also find on this page further information about what to expect, the cost of each session and a downloadable copy of the application form to register your attendance at one (or more) of the events. If you are interested in going it is recommended that you book early to avoid disappointment, as places are limited at each event and they sell out fast.
Full details of the exercises that need to be completed to pass each level can be found on the water awards page of the club website, which can be accessed by clicking here. The levels have been designed to help move even the least confident of dogs from walking on land to taking their first steps into the water.
If you would like more information about the training or wish to discuss a specific need in helping your dog achieve a level of comfort in the water, then please contact Kate and her team via the email
Kate and the team look forward to seeing you in 2024!
