We are currently compiling the next Spanish Water Dog Club's Yearbook.
We would love to include your dogs’ achievements, kennel successes and any other notable events.
If you are interested in submitting an advert, please refer to the emails distributed to all Club members yesterday, from the Honorary Secretary.
All adverts will be in full colour and there are options for full page or half page submissions.
In the first instance, please send enquiries to Kate Wilden on Water.SWDC@gmail.com
Deadline for submissions and payment date is 17th January 2022.
Costs for members - £30 per page or £25 per page for multiple pages, £18 per half page.
Payments to be made by bank transfer to:
· Spanish Water Dog Club
· Sort code: 01-04-57
· Account Number: 33002533
Please quote ‘2022 YB’ in the reference field
Any non-members interested in submitting an advert, please contact water.swdc@gmail.com for more information and costings.