Held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, The Spanish Water Dog Club Open Show took place on Sunday 1st September 2019. Sponsored by Royal Canin, a total of 45 dogs made up the 50 entries within the main show. Additional classes were also held for Junior Handling, whereby the entrants were judged not on the dog, but on the capabilites of the handler in presenting the dog in the ring.
The open show also incorporated three extra Special Award Classes. These classes are specifically put on by the club, with the permission of the Kennel Club, in an endeavour to assist prospective judges to progress up the Judges List. It allows judges, newly qualified or seeking additional experience, the opportunity to examine and judge the Spanish Water Dog breed by gaining a captive audience of owners of the breed who are present at the show.
Best in Show was won by the Best Bitch and winner of the Post Graduate Bitch class, Sierrasalva's Regalo
Reserve Best in Show and best dog was won by Sh Ch Casper De Agua Salada
Best Puppy in show was taken by the Puppy Bitch winner Oh You Are Magic vom Hause Kristo of Goldfly (Imp)
Best Vetran in Show was awarded to Valentismo's Olli Dante from the Vetran Dog Class
Scroll down for details of the results from all the classes and the show photo gallery.

Held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, The Spanish Water Dog Club Open Show took place on Sunday 1st September 2019. Sponsored by Royal Canin, a total of 45 dogs made up the 50 entries within the main show. Additional classes were also held for Junior Handling, whereby the entrants were judged not on the dog, but on the capabilites of the handler in presenting the dog in the ring.
The open show also incorporated three extra Special Award Classes. These classes are specifically put on by the club, with the permission of the Kennel Club, in an endeavour to assist prospective judges to progress up the Judges List. It allows judges, newly qualified or seeking additional experience, the opportunity to examine and judge the Spanish Water Dog breed by gaining a captive audience of owners of the breed who are present at the show.
Best in Show was won by the Best Bitch and winner of the Post Graduate Bitch class, Sierrasalva's Regalo
Reserve Best in Show and best dog was won by Sh Ch Casper De Agua Salada
Best Puppy in show was taken by the Puppy Bitch winner Oh You Are Magic vom Hause Kristo of Goldfly (Imp)
Best Vetran in Show was awarded to Valentismo's Olli Dante from the Vetran Dog Class
Scroll down for details of the results from all the classes and the show photo gallery.

Water Awards

The club hold regular water training days to work towards water awards.
This training has been specifically designed to gently help the dogs get used to working in the water under controlled situations. Whilst some of the breed show no fear and go diving straight in, others can be a little more tentative as they start out and need help and encouragement to introduce them to the water to set their nerves at rest. It is vitally important though that the dog is not pushed into a position it is not comfortable with. Doing so will only serve to raise its wariness of the water, making it harder to coax them back in. Let the dog lead in what it's comfortable doing. That way it's natural ability will grow and start to take over and soon enough they will love it so much you will be struggling to get them out.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
We are aiming to add Level 5 in 2023.
Remote Testing Submissions
Not everyone can attend the training sessions or achieve all the requirements at one event. SWDC has devised a remote scheme to work in conjunction with the water awards, to enable teams to achieve levels or complete levels already partially completed with Club. Please see pdf below, setting out the requirements for remote submissions.
It is vital to contact the Lead Water Trainer prior to commencing any water work for you and your dogs' safety.
Spanish Water Dogs, like humans, don’t all swim, and many need a little help to swim correctly.
Be aware if you notice your dog swims upright . It would be better to use a buoyancy aid to help it learn to use its back legs. Also water ingestion can be fatal so please moderate water retrieves if your dog carries the object low in the water, this can result in the dog swallowing large amounts of water. A constant ‘rasping’ sound signals water hitting the back of the throat, try changing the weight of the decoy, to see if this helps. If training, take regular dog down time to keep your dog’s adrenaline lower and recovery time quicker.
Swimming with your dog is great fun but please remember there are risks and be careful-never swim in water that has Blue Green Algae or if in the sea be aware of rip tides.